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If you like what you see, please join us!  We'll very much welcome you and be delighted to showcase your models and/or photos. BUT if you have neither, don't fear, just enjoy scrolling through the thousands of entries on our huge website.


Members receive fully illustrated e-Newsletters (approximately every second month) with articles concerning modern Asian military aviation; members' builds; shows we shall be attending and reports on shows we've attended; special offers;  plus lots more goodies, yet to come!


The Asian Air Arms Research Group strongly supports Asian Air Arms (SIG) of IPMS - the International Plastic Modellers Society (the world's largest modelling organisation). Whilst we would strongly urge you to join the IPMS, the Research Group does not require you to be a member. New members are welcome from all over the world.


Please answer all the questions below, click Send and .... you're IN! We'll get back you within a few days - hopefully sooner!

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